The GSEA criticizes the option proposed in the 2012 budget to take out medical insurance instead of part of the pension
As part of the “historical day” that represents the date 11/11/11, the Government Services Employees Association has launched an awareness campaign on global warming and protecting the environment. Posters and flyers were distributed for this purpose. At a press conference to explain the issues around climate change, the president of the association Radakrishna Sadien also criticized the option given to employees in the 2012 budget to take out medical insurance instead of the pension fund, which they contribute each month to the tune of 2.5% of their salary.
“This is a measure that will promote the clinical and other insurance companies! She encourages patients in public hospitals to go to private. In other words, it is promoting the privatization of health care in Mauritius! “Support the representatives of the Government Services Employees Association (GSEA). They point out that public health services offer full coverage while private offers only partial coverage.
“When a person enters medical insurance, you should know that it is capped. For example, if the ceiling dental expenses is fixed at Rs 6000 per year, the person will not be refunded if the expenditure exceeded that amount” say officials.
If, as highlighted Minister Xavier-Luc Duval Finance at the presentation of the 2012 budget last Friday, employees can now take the 2.5% that are automatically deducted from their salary to go to a pension fund they are nearing retirement, GSEA believes that “the way the government market this option is to set a trap for employees.” Especially since, according to the president of the association Radakrishna Sadien, that employee pension fund represents several billion rupees.
Such a proposal may lead to “reduce the quality of service to the public. The positions in the paramedical have been reduced. The overtime is paid with delay. ” According to Sadien, “instead of having a pension at the end of your career, the money is used to pay the insurance companies. The government can decide that medical insurance is the priority of an employee.”
Regarding the awareness campaign, the GSEA stressed that climate change should be the concern of all and not just that of the government and NGOs. The officials were invited today to turn off computers, air conditioners, lights and other devices that use electricity for a period of eleven minutes between 11 am and 11 pm 11. A gesture that encourages awareness of the consequences of global warming and the importance of saving energy, water and paper and the same timber.
On the flyer, it is recommended among others to send emails instead of letters, to view documents on screen instead of printing them, to use biodegradable bags, fabric napkins instead of paper and to use natural ventilation instead of using fans or air conditioners.